The starlet in this photo is Pebbles - my 1st little girl for dwarf hamsters. She was named after the Flinstones' baby girl and quite rightfully too coz she does behaves like a little cave-girl sometimes (a polite term for barbaric). I adopted her along with a little boy Momo from their previous owner who was too busy to care for them. One of the first thing I realised is that female dwarf hamsters are noticeably smaller in size than the males. We also nicknamed her 'Peanut' because of her body shape and she never seemed to put on weight no matter how much we fed her. I think it was due to her fussy vegan diet (
she was strictly vegan and ate only the freshest food! She would snub her nose at any processed food or what she deemed unhealthy snacks). For a hamster, she led a super busy schedule i.e. constantly revolving around her running wheel and doing home improvements. Her calling in life was really fengshui-mistress / interior-designer, coz she was constantly moving her furnitures to the oddest places. Although she was tiny, she had super strength and could move much larger objects like her house quite a distance away. One of her fave things was shredded tissue paper. Whenever I gave her a fresh supply, she would go into a frenzy and start adding them to her nest (it literally looks like a bird's nest). But wait, before the tissue could be added to her precious nest, they must go through the holy ritual of being sanctified - in her cheek pouch! She would then pull them out one-by-one and carefully line her nest. Well, you can imagine what her nest smell like! Hamster aroma therapy anyone? (
Warning - Don't try this at home coz I almost fainted once). Once mission completed, she would reside in the middle of it like a contented mother hen. But don't let her demure appearance deceive you, coz she is really quite a rough & tough little girl who is extremely feisty. Another fave activity that I liked to do with her was to scatter organic flax seeds in her cage. She would stand up excitedly like the photo above, to what I imagined is the song - 'It's Raining Men'. She was singing "It's raining seeds! Hallelujiah! - It's raining seeds! Amen! I'm gonna go out to run and let myself get some seeds! It's raining seeds! Every sizes! Tall, fat, round and skinny!"

P.S. Here's a photo of her in one of her tissue nest. Happily nestled in and probably saying "Hey, whacha you looking at?"
P.S. Pebbles fell asleep today, after being here for 2.2 years. She is dearly missed by all at home and will always be our 1st little princess warrior.
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