This is Penelope, the baby of the family. In this photo she has the just woken-up look but that doesn't deter her from enjoying her daily breakfast fare which consist of brocoli, baby corn and sweet peas (quite a heavy breakfast for a small gal). A few nights ago, I was checking on her before going to bed. To my horror, there was a cockroach in her food bin. For those of us who doesn't like manhandling creepy crawlies, I have an excellent method of capturing these offending creatures. Just use a plastic tub (another good reason to Recycle-Reduce-Reuse) to capture the bugger - but you must be quick enough. So what do you do after that? Simply, slide a piece of paper underneath, sticky tape carefully the entire circumference of the tub, put the whole thing into a plastic bag and dispose asap! Yeah, I know the bugger is trapped inside but it still never fails to give me that heart thumping rush like a horror movie. Yucks. For illustration purpose, refer to photo below. P.S. kindly note that the cockroach has been substituted by an eraser coz he was no longer available at the time of this photo shoot. P.S. If anyone else have another method of capturing these buggers, please feel free to share.

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