Breed: Winter White Sapphire Dwarf Hamster
Gender: Male
Weight: 21g
Age: 3 weeks
Hobby: Squealing
Tiger is sort of a Ver. 2 coz we used to call Penelope 'Tiger' when the shopkeeper mistakenly told us that she is a 'male'. It was almost 3 months later that it hit me that our little 'boy' is not growing any bigger and to check down there! Funny thing is that she will always pee when I let her out to roam around (we call her the free range chicken coz she doesn't like to walk around in an enclosure) - which only ceased after we acknowledged her as a girl and gave her an appropriate girlie name. I really believe that animals can communicate with us, if only we are sharp enough to catch it. Anyway, here is a very helpful link with picture to help those who are dazed & confused identify the sex of their hamster : How-to-tell-hamster-sex
Tiger is quite another story altogether. He has only been with us for 5 days. (And yes, he is confirmed a male.) He is the 5-star communicator type - extremely 'expressive', especially in telling us that he is not too happy with the level of service around here. Some of his 'feedbacks' include : 1) Please do not remove the roof top to peek at him. Even a pipsqueak needs some privacy. 2) Please refrain your big face from his beady view when he has just awoken up and doesn't recognise you coz it gives him a rude shock. Another clue that you are definitely not the 'Good Morning' face he is looking for - unless you happen to look like a giant sunflower seed with hair. 3) Resist 'accidentally' touching his little furry paws as he climbs the bars (no matter how cute and tempting they look). 4) Do not make fun of his bat-ham pointy ears. It is just that his little body has not caught up with them yet.
Here is an evidence of the squeal-box (hamster version of a boom box). Yup, he doesn't squeak but squeal! In fact, I have never heard a hamster squeal like him before. He is definitely the first. Anyway, enjoy the video and don't worry - no human was harmed in the making of this video.
P.S. If you have a hamster that squeals like this, please feel free to enlighten me about the squealing.
Here is an evidence of the squeal-box (hamster version of a boom box). Yup, he doesn't squeak but squeal! In fact, I have never heard a hamster squeal like him before. He is definitely the first. Anyway, enjoy the video and don't worry - no human was harmed in the making of this video.
P.S. If you have a hamster that squeals like this, please feel free to enlighten me about the squealing.
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