Our chief editor Patrick loves to get up close and personal with the paparazzi (err ... a tad too close sometimes).
Hmmm .... Do I spy a camera pointing at me?
Let me sniff this out ....
No worries, I'll come right up to your lens. Can U see me clearly now???
Ok, all pictures must be pre-approved by moi before publication. P.S. Can you photoshop me to look slimmer coz I'm carrying a bit of summer weight at the moment ... not a true reflection of my usual trim body.
We have received "feedback" from a loyal reader about the lack or rather non existence blog entries in recent times. This is what one of our writer Noah has to say .....
The summer has been too hot to handle .... I am currently not in the best position for creative flow.
Me in a stupor from the unbearable heat ....
Me STILL in a stupor ....
Alright, you got the message now? I'm declaring a summer break till further notice....Phew!