Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
Now that Patrick has told you folks how he got his “dream name” – let me tell you how I got mine. Big mama got her inspiration from this Noah Ark toy ride near the pet shop where I came from. My name Noah also means “2” – so my mamas are hoping that I’ll be a lovey dovey little boy who likes companionship. At first I was very skittish but now I luv greeting my mamas and doing my sideway sway coz I always have a tune in my head “I just called to say I love you……” According to my mamas I am the most fussy little eater coz I am a vegan (except that I wear fur). They tried offering me this yucky smelly thing called cheese and just recently small mama tried to shove some yogurt in my face. They also tried to trick me to eat popcorn coated in cheese – something called Garrett’s i.e. apparently Oprah’s fave thing. I don’t care whose fave food it is – me no like! Excuse me, but I can smell the cheese on it even though it is corn underneath. Thank goodness I am good at backing away quickly. Turkey meat? No way. Patrick my brother is another story – he is more adventurous when it comes to food. This week we’re trying out red bell pepper and Patrick totally dig it – so much that he hides the leftover in his house. But nothing escapes the search & destroy big mama. Me just like my regular hammy food and veggies. Greens are good for you!