Attractive Bachelor Loft for Rent in Central District! Description : Attractive & fully furnished. Comes with a smashing yellow house complete with door & window for your privacy (curtains not included).
Size : 30 x 20cm.
Location : Infront of a women’s wardrobe (minor disturbances throughout the day).
Convenience : Less than 3 feet away from TV and internet access.
Neighbourhood : Only 1 cute blond male neighbour next door (expect minor noise from his exercise wheel in the evenings).
Community Use : Helipad / cooling tile & running wheel (must pre-book 1-day advance).
Amenities : Central heat & air supplied at random.
Housekeeping : Free & Compulsory very Friday.
Meals : Breakfast, dinner & supper provided daily (fixed menu).
Security : Mama security 24hr/7days.
Landlord : Dutch, male, single & attractive but not to be disturbed except for emergencies or special treats.
Price : $10/mo or equivalent of 10 walnuts (negotiable if you’re female).
Call Patrick – 91234567.

Your very own loft!

Free use of helipad / cooling tile & running wheel.

Meet the Landlord (Warning: he is not big on small talk).