Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Up Close & Personal

Our chief editor Patrick loves to get up close and personal with the paparazzi (err ... a tad too close sometimes).

Hmmm .... Do I spy a camera pointing at me?

Let me sniff this out ....

No worries, I'll come right up to your lens. Can U see me clearly now???

Ok, all pictures must be pre-approved by moi before publication.
P.S. Can you photoshop me to look slimmer coz I'm carrying a bit of summer weight at the moment ... not a true reflection of my usual trim body.

Summer Holiday

We have received "feedback" from a loyal reader about the lack or rather non existence blog entries in recent times. This is what one of our writer Noah has to say .....

The summer has been too hot to handle ....
I am currently not in the best position for creative flow.

Me in a stupor from the unbearable heat ....

Me STILL in a stupor ....

Alright, you got the message now?
I'm declaring a summer break till further notice....Phew!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Opposite of Moi

I was recently introduced to the opposite of moi, a champion jumping bunny (what a show off!).

Impressed? They call me the Jumping Jack.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Attractive Bachelor Loft for Rent!

Attractive Bachelor Loft for Rent in Central District!

Description : Attractive & fully furnished. Comes with a smashing yellow house complete with door & window for your privacy (curtains not included).

Size : 30 x 20cm.

Location : Infront of a women’s wardrobe (minor disturbances throughout the day).

Convenience : Less than 3 feet away from TV and internet access.

Neighbourhood : Only 1 cute blond male neighbour next door (expect minor noise from his exercise wheel in the evenings).

Community Use : Helipad / cooling tile & running wheel (must pre-book 1-day advance).

Amenities : Central heat & air supplied at random.

Housekeeping : Free & Compulsory very Friday.

Meals : Breakfast, dinner & supper provided daily (fixed menu).

Security : Mama security 24hr/7days.

Landlord : Dutch, male, single & attractive but not to be disturbed except for emergencies or special treats.

Price : $10/mo or equivalent of 10 walnuts (negotiable if you’re female).

Call Patrick – 91234567.

Your very own loft!

Free use of helipad / cooling tile & running wheel.

Meet the Landlord (Warning: he is not big on small talk).

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Noah's Ark

Captain Noah of the ship ....Ship Ahoy! ha ha ha....

Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream,
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.

Now that Patrick has told you folks how he got his “dream name” – let me tell you how I got mine. Big mama got her inspiration from this Noah Ark toy ride near the pet shop where I came from. My name Noah also means “2” – so my mamas are hoping that I’ll be a lovey dovey little boy who likes companionship. At first I was very skittish but now I luv greeting my mamas and doing my sideway sway coz I always have a tune in my head “I just called to say I love you……” According to my mamas I am the most fussy little eater coz I am a vegan (except that I wear fur). They tried offering me this yucky smelly thing called cheese and just recently small mama tried to shove some yogurt in my face. They also tried to trick me to eat popcorn coated in cheese – something called Garrett’s i.e. apparently Oprah’s fave thing. I don’t care whose fave food it is – me no like! Excuse me, but I can smell the cheese on it even though it is corn underneath. Thank goodness I am good at backing away quickly. Turkey meat? No way. Patrick my brother is another story – he is more adventurous when it comes to food. This week we’re trying out red bell pepper and Patrick totally dig it – so much that he hides the leftover in his house. But nothing escapes the search & destroy big mama. Me just like my regular hammy food and veggies. Greens are good for you!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Chief Editor Reporting

Hi folks, I am Patrick and from now onwards I’ll be taking over this blog as Chief Editor. Why me? Coz I’m the brainiest one in the family (thanks to walnut brain booster). Also big mama is taking a sabbatical till she regains some mental clarity in life. See I know how to use big words like sabbatical ….so don’t play play with me coz I’m highly intelligent. I also have a very high awareness of my surroundings – so don’t try to pull a fast one on me coz I literally have eyes on my back. I’m watching you watching me!

Well you already know that I came all the way from Holland to Singapore. But you probably won’t know that I am named Patrick after the starfish in Spongebob squarepants. Do we even look remotely related to you? As you can see, I am nothing like Patrick the starfish – zany and below average IQ. We are not even the same colour! I’ve been named Patrick coz this is big mama’s dream name for her next son and also I think she has a secret sick crush on that zany starfish. So here I am ….Patrick yours truly and nope my best friend is not a yellow sponge named Bob. I’ll see ya around and meanwhile here’s wishing you folks Gong Xi Fa Cai (see I am also multilinguistic).

Me & Ben sharing our ang pow loot. We're so sweet right?

Patrick, Chief Editor