Q. What was your first thoughts when you saw the above photo?
a) Doraemon and hammies are friends hanging out.
b) Doraemon was bringing out a plate of food for his little friends.
c) The hammies are Doraemon's pets.
d) Doraemon was salivating at them as food?
e) Dunno what to think, too bizzare.
I recently bought a small display case to house my ceramic hamsters dust-free. As there was still some space, I decided to throw in the Doraemon figurine as well (he came from someone's birthday cake - a grown up, not kid's). I thought they look quite chummy together until my best friend commented that Doraemon looks like he is smacking his lips in anticipation to eat the 3 hamsters! Come to think of it, Doraemon is supposed to be a fat cat from outerspace, so she isn't that far off afterall.